Online activity: Breakout room tag

One of the challenges in these challenging and fascinating times is to stay connected and feel included. That’s why we aim in our online programs for playfulness and spontaneity. Our programs, activities and facilitation styles are designed to accommodate that.

My US friend and colleague Brent Darnell from the Applied Improvisation Network (AIN) made a video about one of the activities we designed for this: breakout room tag!


  • assign someone to be '“it”, if it’s a large group then assign a few persons (usually 1 on 10 participants)

  • make everyone a co-host and bring them into breakout rooms, usually 1 room for every 8 people or so

  • they can tag someone by counting until 10 and then say someone’s name. (S)he will be the next “it” !

  • Brents website:

  • A great video resource for (online) games and activities by William Hall: