Advanced Applied Improvisation Course | 18-19-20 June 2024


Are you a coach, trainer, HR manager, learning & development specialist or group leader?

Are you familiar with the value and power of Applied Improvisation and now want to take it to the next level?

Do you want to stay on top of the latest in training design, and delivery and evaluation?

Then join us!

This June 2024 we are running our Advanced Applied Improvisation Course again, in National Park Hoge Veluwe, the Netherlands.

This unique event in the Netherlands is designed for professionals who already recognize the value of using Improvisation in their work and are ready to learn more.


- A few testimonials (and proud of them!)

what you get

  • you will be invited and challenged to use the improvisational mindset and skills for yourself, practicing what we preach

  • you will be better able to use the powerful improvisation exercises to make sharper connections to your clients’ work practice and challenges on leadership, collaboration, presentation skills, humanitarian work and many other areas.

  • you will get lots of feedback on your facilitation style and a chance to learn from others

  • you will learn the importance of the use of many concepts to be applied to your own individual facilitation style as well as to the challenges of your clients. These include direct side coaching, status transactions, group energy management, deeper debriefing and the design success track,

  • you will learn how to market your trainings better using dedicated models directly related to Applied Improvisation, like the Improfit model, the PLAY! model and other useful frameworks. We will also share with you the highlights of the Barcelona seminar on marketing improvisation.

  • you will be a part of an international group of colleagues who are already aware of the value of Applied Improvisation and ready to take the next step!

in this program

  • we are dedicated to your individual learning goals and work context

  • we will help you to generate more work with Applied Improvisation training, with the use of easy concepts to explain the value of improv to your clients

  • we will offer you a lot of new activities, exercises and tools to be used right away within your next session

  • we will provide you with an opportunity to get individual coaching after the course

After the training we’ll organise an Unconference day (Friday). More info below!

About YOUR facilitators


Raymond van Driel is a corporate trainer, keynote speaker, executive coach, author, academic teacher and the lead course facilitator. He has been performing improv since 1994 and won the Dutch Improv Champion title four times. He started with corporate improvisation in 2000 and now delivers Training of Trainers and keynotes about Applied Improvisation and Playfulness worldwide.

From 2009 to 2011 Raymond hosted Applied Improvisation courses at Stockholm University where international business students engaged into improvisation for 3 months, 20 hours a week.


In 2016, he received a government grant to do a full year of Improvisation with the faculty and students of Vlerick Business School in Brussels and St Petersburg.

From 2008-2018, Raymond was a Board Member of the global Applied Improvisation Network (8000 members), serving as Board Secretary and delivering the introduction programs to Applied Improvisation at five past AIN conferences.

(LinkedIn profile).

Ted DesMaisons We are very happy that Ted will offer a mini-workshop on personal presence based on the Second Circle method, a physical and attitudinal way of being that generates greater charisma, amplified power, authentic connection and skillful teamwork. Ted is a trained mindfulness instructor and has studied, taught and performed improvisation internationally for over 35 years. He is the author of Playful Mindfulness, co-host of the well-known Monster Baby podcast (“a curious romp through the worlds of mindfulness and improvisation"), and a certified Patsy Rodenburg Associate. He lives in California and teaches at Stanford University. (LinkedIn profile)

Denise Jacobs is a speaker, author and creativity expert from Miami USA who speaks at conferences and consults with companies worldwide. As the founder and CEO of The Creative Dose, she promotes techniques to unlock creativity and help people become engaged contributors, synergistic collaborators, and authentic leaders. Denise is the author of Banish Your Inner Critic, the premier handbook on silencing fears to unleash creativity. In her engaging mini-workshop, you’ll learn techniques to deal better with your Inner Critic, overcome self-doubt and how to get over the fear of judgment and feeling overwhelmed. This will be applied to your mindset and skills as a facilitator! (LinkedIn profile)

Jessica Breitenfeld will deliver a mini workshop during the training on how to deal with diversity and inclusiveness within your groups. Jessica studied organizational management and Gestalt therapy, is a Toast Master European champion and has lived in 9 different countries over 9 years. Jessica leverages her cultural wisdom, proactive attitude and extensive marketing experience to assist her training groups and coachees in developing flexibility, navigating uncertainty, and harnessing diversity. She hosted the Barcelona conference on marketing Applied Improvisation. (LinkedIn profile)

Marco van Duuren is widely recognized as one of the Netherlands' most talented piano players in the world of improv shows. With an impressive two-decade career, he accompanies improv players during shows and also teaches them during inspiring workshops. We couldn't be more thrilled to have Marco on board to host a musical improvisation workshop during our program!(LinkedIn profile)


Unconference day on Friday

On Friday morning we’ll organise an Unconference day, a chance to cool down and do whatever you feel like. Options include going out for a walk in the forest, Open Space-like activities, ask any remaining questions you might have, games and we’ll offer a few 1 hour mini coaching sessions, to help you incorporate the learnings from the course and focus on your own individual work context. And, we promise you a really cool Thursday evening program!

With 190 euro, the hotel night, evening dinner, evening program and breakfast is covered and we’ll end with lunch in a Dutch pancake restaurant!


The course fee is 1475 euro. That includes the course, 3 nights accommodation (Monday to Thursday), all meals, materials and snacks.

This excludes the extra evening drinks at the bar, 21% VAT (for EU residents) and the optional Unconference morning on Friday (190 euro for the extra night and meals, you’ll receive a separate invoice for that).


We’ll be in the intimate and cosy venue De Hoeve van Nunspeet in National Park Hoge Veluwe, the Netherlands.


Dates 18-19-20 june 2024

Arrival: Monday check-in from 5pm, dinner at 7pm
: Tuesday to Thursday 5:30pm
Unconference (optional): Friday until 2:30pm


Join us for a fun-filled, intense and impactful training in National Park Hoge Veluwe, the Netherlands!

Be part of an international group of motivated, inspired, warm, fun-loving and professional colleagues who appreciate openness, spontaneity and connection.

Register or do let us know if you have any questions, OR feel free to let us know you’re interested in a next edition of the training.

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On Monday we’ll start with dinner and some introductory warming up-activities at the course location.


After your registration we will provide you with more practical details and travel options.